Titan Wellness
Life does not always go as planned, and when that happens, we may need additional and professional help. We know that our students' emotional health is paramount in their success. Below are different options for our students to reach out. Some resources are local and some are nationwide.
PSJA ISD Mental Health Resources
The following are resources the district has gathered that may help our students. Options are not limmitted to the following list.
COVID-19 Mental & Behavioral Health Grief & Trauma
Alliance Child and Family Solutions Telehealth
"Alliance Connect" is a program of Alliance Child & Family Solutions ("ACFS"). We are a social services agency based in North Texas that specializes in outpatient mental health counseling. Our motto is “comprehensive services, compassionate solutions,” which we define as our mission to service all ages at multiple locations with a variety of therapists, techniques, and skills. It is for this reason we want to ensure that quality mental healthcare is accessible across ALL of Texas.
Alliance Child and Family Solutions Telehealth
South Texas College Counseling Services
Life situations at times require professional assistance. At South Texas College, Counselors provide many services designed to help students attain educational, career, and personal goals.
Teen Health and Wellness Hotlines
Listed below are hotlines, help lines, and information lines, organized by subject. These national organizations can also refer you to state and local services in your community.